Use cases

Last updated
August 8, 2024

The Batching feature provides a number of efficiencies when creating ads, particularly in terms of variants for languages and call-to-action (CTA) elements.

Batching Languages

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Tailoring Ads for a Global Audience

In a world where digital content reaches a global audience, the ability to customize ads for different languages is crucial. Batching simplifies this process:

  • Creating Language-Specific Batches: By grouping ad instances into language-specific batches, creators can efficiently manage ads in various languages. For instance, a single ad can have different batches for English, Spanish, French, etc., each containing language-specific text layers.
  • Streamlining Localization: This approach streamlines the localization process, ensuring that each language variant maintains consistent branding and visual elements, while the text adjusts to the target language.
  • Efficient Scaling: Batching allows for the rapid scaling of campaigns across different regions, minimizing the time and resources typically required for ad localization.

Batching Call-to-Actions

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Optimizing Engagement Through Diverse CTAs

Experimenting with different CTAs is a vital part of optimizing ad performance. Batching facilitates this experimentation:

  • Batching for CTA Testing: Different batches can be created for various CTA phrases or designs. For example, one batch might feature a "Learn More" button, while another uses a "Sign Up Now" prompt.
  • Rapid A/B Testing: This setup enables swift A/B testing of CTAs within the same campaign. Analyzing the performance metrics of each batch helps in identifying the most effective CTA for your audience.
  • Customizing per Audience Segment: Batching allows for customization of CTAs based on audience segments. For instance, a more aggressive CTA might be used for a batch targeting a younger demographic, while a subtle approach for another demographic.


The Batching feature in CRAFTSMAN+ Canvas is a game-changer for advertisers seeking to navigate the complexities of a multilingual market and optimize their CTA strategies. By enabling the creation of language-specific and CTA-variant batches, Batching empowers teams to produce targeted, relevant, and effective ads. This approach not only saves time and resources but also enhances the potential for higher engagement and conversion rates, making it an indispensable tool in the modern advertising toolkit.